lørdag den 27. februar 2010
W7 Vitamin E lip balms :)

fredag den 26. februar 2010
The best lip balm in the world :)

But after trying all the most expensive lip balms in the world like Sisleys and La Mer to more common ones like Prada and Dior to the most inexpensive lip balms like Lipsmacker and Labello...
My top favorite has to be The Balms Balmshelter. In a way its a bit cheating cause its also a gloss BUT it has so many fabulous qualities and nurtures the lips so you actually have more use from it than from your ordenary lip balm.

My favorite color is Material Girl. Its the last one you see on the first picture. Or the second one from the left if you look at the above picture. It looks very dark but its so great on my lips and just comes on sheer with a hint of color!
But the best thing is the soft and kissable lips you gain from this product AND the unbelieveable yummi smell of strawberry/banana... :) The worst thing is you cant buy them in Denmark!!! But thats true for most good products actually :( And you can order them online and they cost a very fair and reasonable US $ 18 + shipping and taxes and who knows what else?!
If I have to choose an ordernary lip balm it has to be Softlips. Its a wonderful handy tiny slim tube of lip balm that fits everywhere!!! And it doesnt just go on top of your lips like for instance Labello does... Its very cheap and very good! And cant be bought in Denmark as well :P I buy mine on Ebay when I can't travel to NY :) Softlips are from US $ 3 and up... They just made a Chai version and I cant wait to try it out!!! And the best of all they just made organic versions as well!!!
The best middlepriced lip balm is CO Bigelows!!! Which some stores in Denmark actually now have!!! (W0W!!!) The ones pictured here are the flavored ones. Normal versions are Menta lip shine and colored Menta lip shine. These are orange, lime and lychée. They are only around US $ 7 + shipping or 85,- kroner in the stores in Copenhagen who has them :) My favorite flavor is Lemon! Its not on the picture here but its in a fresh yellow tube and it makes me think of summer and enjoying life!!!